UI Design

CookPad App

My Role
UI Designer
March 2020

In this personal project, I redesigned the user interface for Cookpad, a food tech company that provides a community platform for sharing cooking tips and ideas.

While using the app, I noticed that the UI lacked a clear visual identity and hierarchy of elements in the layout. To address this issue, I conducted thorough research and analysis of popular social networks to identify existing user mental models and preferences, especially regarding key features such as 'like,' 'comment,' and 'share' buttons.

By incorporating these elements into the Cookpad community platform, I aimed to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality, usuability and visual identity of the app.


Company Brochure



View the digital brochure



Exhibition Stand

In this personal project, I redesigned the user interface for Cookpad, a food tech company that provides a community platform for sharing cooking tips and ideas.

While using the app, I noticed that the UI lacked a clear visual identity and hierarchy of elements in the layout. To address this issue, I conducted thorough research and analysis of popular social networks to identify existing user mental models and preferences, especially regarding key features such as 'like,' 'comment,' and 'share' buttons.

By incorporating these elements into the Cookpad community platform, I aimed to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality, usuability and visual identity of the app.

Product Packaging

Top Station
Camera System

Case Study


Company Brochure


View the digital brochure

Exhibition Stand

In this personal project, I redesigned the user interface for Cookpad, a food tech company that provides a community platform for sharing cooking tips and ideas.

While using the app, I noticed that the UI lacked a clear visual identity and hierarchy of elements in the layout. To address this issue, I conducted thorough research and analysis of popular social networks to identify existing user mental models and preferences, especially regarding key features such as 'like,' 'comment,' and 'share' buttons.

By incorporating these elements into the Cookpad community platform, I aimed to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality, usuability and visual identity of the app.


Pantone 1375 C
RGB: 14, 187, 182
Hex: 0ebbb6
CMYK: 100, 0, 4, 25
Pantone 171 C
RGB: 255, 92, 57
Hex: ff5c39
CMYK: 0, 65, 81, 6
Pantone Cool Gray 10C
RGB: 99,102,106
Hex: 63666a
CMYK: 7, 4, 0, 58


Business card




In this personal project, I redesigned the user interface for Cookpad, a food tech company that provides a community platform for sharing cooking tips and ideas.

While using the app, I noticed that the UI lacked a clear visual identity and hierarchy of elements in the layout. To address this issue, I conducted thorough research and analysis of popular social networks to identify existing user mental models and preferences, especially regarding key features such as 'like,' 'comment,' and 'share' buttons.

By incorporating these elements into the Cookpad community platform, I aimed to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality, usuability and visual identity of the app.

UI Home Screen




UI Recipe




In this personal project, I redesigned the user interface for Cookpad, a food tech company that provides a community platform for sharing cooking tips and ideas.

While using the app, I noticed that the UI lacked a clear visual identity and hierarchy of elements in the layout. To address this issue, I conducted thorough research and analysis of popular social networks to identify existing user mental models and preferences, especially regarding key features such as 'like,' 'comment,' and 'share' buttons.

By incorporating these elements into the Cookpad community platform, I aimed to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality, usuability and visual identity of the app.





ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?-=[];',./`~


Pantone 3262 C
RGB: 14, 187, 182
Hex: 0ebbb6
CMYK: 100, 0, 4, 25
Pantone 652 C
RGB: 125, 155, 193
Hex: 7d9cb7
CMYK: 35, 20, 0, 24
Pantone White
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0


Interior signage




In this personal project, I redesigned the user interface for Cookpad, a food tech company that provides a community platform for sharing cooking tips and ideas.

While using the app, I noticed that the UI lacked a clear visual identity and hierarchy of elements in the layout. To address this issue, I conducted thorough research and analysis of popular social networks to identify existing user mental models and preferences, especially regarding key features such as 'like,' 'comment,' and 'share' buttons.

By incorporating these elements into the Cookpad community platform, I aimed to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality, usuability and visual identity of the app.

Audio show cover